HomeBlogIBioM 44th Meet Report

IBioM 44th Meet Report



1.30 PM to 4.30 PM on 27th Sep 2024@ Bangalore Bioinnovation Center (BBC), Bangalore.


  • 1:00-1:30 PM: Lunch & Networking
  • 1:30-2:00 PM: Introduction to IBioM and Progress of IBioM by Dr. Jagadish Mittur – IBioM President  
  • 2:00-2:30 PM: Global Regulations for SaMD (Software as Medical Device) by Mr. Varun Trivedi – easyQ Solutions and Tech Pvt Ltd
  • 2:30–2:45 PM: Digitalization of Agriculture & Agri Tech by Mr. C.M. PATIL – KrishiKalpa Foundation CEO
  • 2:45-3:15 PM: Strategies to overcome medical device development risk of startups by Mr. Iyyappan Madasamy – AI ML Robotics
  • 3:15–3:30 PM: Tea Break
  • 3:30–4:30 PM: Startup Clinic Session
  • 4:30-4:45 PM: Future of IBioM & Conclusion by Dr. Naveen Kulkarni – Quantumzyme Founder

Meeting Report

Lunch & Networking:

    The Lunch and Networking for the event began at 1:00 PM, and approximately 20 visitors from various biotech industry sectors, including Startups and MSMEs, attended the Event.

    • Introduction to BBC: Dr. Mohamed Adil A. A, Managing Director, BBC introduced Bangalore Bioinnovation Center (BBC) to the guests attending the Meet where he discussed the goals and vision of BBC.
    • Introduction to IBioM: Following a warm welcome note by Dr. Adil, Dr. Jagadish Mittur, IBioM President, introduced the guests to IBioM and its members and its progress over the years.
    • Global Regulations for SaMD: Mr. Varun Trivedi from easyQ Solutions and Tech Pvt Ltd gave an insightful presentation on using Software as Medical Devices and the Global Regulations revolving around it.
    • Digitalization of Agriculture & Agri Tech: Tea was served during the meeting to catch up with time. As the refreshments were provided, Mr. C.M. PATIL, the CEO of KrishiKalpa Foundation gave a talk regarding the Digitization of Agriculture & Agri Tech and its applications in modern-day solutions.
    • Strategies to overcome medical device development risk of startups: Mr. Iyyappan Madasamy of AI ML Robotics discussed strategies that can be adopted to overcome risks of medical device development by startups.
    • Startup Clinic Session

    A Startup Clinic Session was held where Mr. Sathyanarayana (Sathya) B V, CEO-DERBI Foundation, Mr. Vijetha Shastry, Associate Director, Standard Chartered Bank, Dr. Veeranna S, Head – Healthcare, BBC and Dr. Deeksha Kunder, Senior Manager, MedTech – BBC had individual presentations, Bionaltek Enterprises Pvt Ltd, 1 Point 1 Solution and two students from SDM college of engineering.

    They each provided insightful thoughts and developments regarding their respective fields and research. A highly engaging session where the speakers interacted with the guests to clarify their queries.

    • Conclusion & Future of IBioM: Dr. Naveen Kulkarni, Quantumzyme Founder & IBioM Trustee, thanked all the Participants for attending the event. IBioM profusely thanked Bangalore Bioinnovation Center and Dr Adil Mohammed for hosting our 44th and they look forward to future collaborations.

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